HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. Hypertext means text which contains links to other texts. Markup language is a computer language used to define structure and clarifying the contents of a document.HTML describes the structure of a Web page. HTML consists of a series of elements. HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content.
More...CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It's used for describing the presentation of a Web Pages written in HTML. CSS is developed by World Wide Web Consortium
More...Bootstrap is a free and open-source collection of CSS and JavaScript/jQuery code used for creating dynamic websites layout and web applications.
More...Javascript is the scripting Language for the web application. It is Lightweight and we can dynamically create and update HTML contents.
More...jQuery an open source JavaScript library. jQuery simplifies JavaScript programming. It's a fast JavaScript Library created by John Resig.
More...PHP is a server scripting language used to create dynamic web pages. MySQL is a relational database management system and it's open-source.
More...MySql is a Relational Database Management Systems(RDBMS). It is open-source database software. It is commonly used in PHP, Python and Node etc. MySql is cross-platform it runs on Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems.
More...FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with PHP Script. FPDF stands for Free PDF. You can use it for any kind of usage and modify it to suit your needs.
More...C programming is a general-purpose programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at Bell Laboratories.
More...Python is a general-purpose, interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and first released on 1991. Python is Open Source and easy to learn.
More...Python Flask is a lightweight WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) web framework and written in Python. It has no built-in database.
More...In this quiz, You can choose number of questions as you want. You get one mark for each correct answer, at end of the quiz you will get total mark and correct answer for all questions.
More...VR Soft Tech is a fast growing web development company. We offer digital marketing and website designing at the best possible price.We build SEO friendly, mobile responsive website designing and developing an effective web presence for your business.
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