
Selectors in CSS

CSS selectors are patterns used to select and style HTML elements. They define which elements in your HTML document should be affected by the CSS rules.The CSS selectors module provides us with more than 60 selectors and five combinators. Other modules provide additional pseudo-class selectors and pseudo-elements.

All Css Selectors

Selector Example Description Try
#id #hello Select element with a specific id. Try it
.class .cls Select elements with a specific class. Try it
Universal * Select all elements. Try it
Element p Select all <p> elements by thier tag name. Try it
Grouping h1,h2,div,span,p Apply the common styles for multiple selectors in grouping. Try it
Descendant div p Selects inside the elements in another element. Try it
Child div > p Selects the direct children in element. Try it
Adjacent Sibling h1 + p Selects the element that is immediately following another. Try it
General Sibling h1 ~ p Selects all sibilings after an argument. Try it
Exact Match input[type="text"] select all <input> elements with the type attribute exactly set to "text". Try it
Partial Match a[href*="example"] select all <a>(anchor) elements where the href attribute contains the substring "example" . Try it
Starts with input[name^="user"] select all <input> elements where the name attribute starts with the substring "user". Try it
End with a[href$=".txt"] select all <a> (anchor) elements where the href attribute ends with the substring ".txt" Try it
Attribute Presence input[required] select all <input> elements that have the required attribute Try it
Structural Pseudo-Classes :first-child, :last-child, :nth-child(), :nth-last-child(), etc select the first <li> element inside its parent. It applies the font-weight: bold style to the first <li> in the list. Try it
UI states :hover, :focus, :active, :visited, :checked, etc select a <button> element when the user hovers over it Try it
Negotions div:not(.excluded) select all <div> elements except those that have the class excluded Try it
::before / ::after: p::before { } Its used to insert the content before or after an element. Try it
::first-line / ::first-letter: p::first-line { } Its used to select the first line of a <p> element and applies the. Try it
::marker li::marker { } select list item markers. Try it
:is() / :where(): :is(h1, h2, h3){ } Matches any element listed inside. Try it
:has(): div:has(img){ } Select the elements containing specific children Try it
:not(): input:not([type="submit"]){ } Excludes elements match the selectors. Try it