FPDF - Table

In this example, we will learn how to create a table in a PDF with PHP using FPDF. There is no inbuild function to create table in FPDF. We have to create a table using collection of Cells.

The following example shows, how to create a diffrent type of tables in FPDF.

1.Create a simple Table Create a simple Table
Example 1

  class PDF extends FPDF
    function createTable($header,$data){
      foreach($header as $h){
      foreach($data as $row){
        foreach($row as $col){

  $pdf=new PDF();
  //Table Header
  //Table Rows
2.Create a Table with Custom Column Width Create a Table with custom column width
Example 2

  class PDF extends FPDF
    function createTable($header,$data){
      foreach($data as $row){

  $pdf=new PDF();
  //Table Header
  //Table Rows
3.Create a Table with Custom Border Create a Table with Custom Border
Example 3

  class PDF extends FPDF
    function createTable($header,$data){
      foreach($data as $row){

  $pdf=new PDF();
  //Table Header
  //Table Rows
4.Highlight Table Header and Even Rows Highlight Table Header and Even Rows
Example 4

  class PDF extends FPDF
    function createTable($header,$data){
      foreach($data as $row){

  $pdf=new PDF();
  //Table Header
  //Table Rows