Disable Mouse Right click | Cut | Copy | Paste in jQuery

The following example shows, how to avoid copying content from your website, by disabling the mouse right click, cut, copy and paste in juery.

Disable mouse right-click event on the entire web page:

  • contextmenu event is used to disable the right-click.
  • e.preventDefault() event handler is used to prevent the default behavior.
   $(this).on('contextmenu', function(e){
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Disable mouse right-click event on particular part of the web page:

  • Disable the right-click event on particular part of the web page using id, class or element.
   $("#demo").on('contextmenu', function(e){
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Disable Cut, Copy & Paste on entire web page:

  • Disable the cut(CTRL+X), copy(CTRL+C) & paste(CTRL+P) on particular part of the web page using id, class or element.
   $(this).on('cut copy paste', function(e){
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Disable Cut, Copy & Paste on particular part of the web page:

  • Disable the cut(CTRL+X), copy(CTRL+C) & paste(CTRL+P) on particular part of the web page using id, class or element.
   $("#demo").on('cut copy paste', function(e){
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