In MySQL, CASE function is used to implement conditional logic in queries. It operates similarly to an if-else or switch statement in programming. There are two forms of CASE in MySQL: Simple Case and Searched Case.

1) Simple Case
Case expression
   When condition1 Then result1
   When condition2 Then result2
   ELSE default_result 
Simple Case Example

This query retrieves information from a table named products and performs the following operations:

SELECT product_id,
  CASE category_id
   WHEN 1 THEN 'Books'
   WHEN 2 THEN 'Mobiles'
   WHEN 3 THEN 'Laptops'
   ELSE 'Other'
 END AS category_name
   FROM products;  
Try it Yourself
Demo Database:
  • Table Name : orders
order_no order_date customer_id total_amount status
2021001 2021-05-13 1 1545.00 Delivered
2021002 2021-05-13 2 18000.00 Delivered
2021003 2021-05-14 3 10000.00 Pending
2021004 2021-05-15 4 1450.00 Delivered
2021005 2021-05-16 5 4680.00 Pending
2021006 2021-05-17 6 10000.00 Pending
2021007 2021-05-18 7 5475.00 Delivered
2021008 2021-05-19 8 4337.00 Pending
2) Searched Case
Case expression
   When condition1 Then result1
   When condition2 Then result2
   ELSE default_result 
Searched Case Example

Retrieves the unique identifier of the order and Dynamically categorizes the price into an order priority from the order_details table.

SELECT order_no,price,
   WHEN price > 1000 THEN 'HIGH'
   WHEN price BETWEEN 500 AND 1000 THEN 'Medium'
   ELSE 'Low'
 END AS order_priority
   FROM order_details;  
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