PHP String Functions

In this tutorial, you will learn about PHP string functions used for string manipulation.

PHP offers many built-in functions for string manipulation.

Function Description
addcslashes() Returns a string with backslashes before the specified characters in a given string.
addslashes() Returns a string with predefined characters preceded by a backslash.
bin2hex() Converts a string of ASCII characters to a hexadecimal value.
chop() Removes spaces or other predefined characters from the right end of a string.
chr() Returns a character from the specified ASCII value.
chunk_split() Splits a string into smaller sections and inserts a specific delimiter between each section.
convert_uudecode() Is used to decodes a uuencoded string.
convert_uudecode() Is used to uuencode a string.
count_chars() Returns information about the occurrences of characters in a string.
crc32() Is used to calculate a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum of a string.
crypt() Is used for one-way hashing of strings. Often used to store passwords securely.
echo() Use the echo function to output data.
explode() Split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator.
fprintf() It writes a formatted string to the specified output stream.
get_html_translation_table() Is used to return the conversion table used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities().
hex2bin() It converts a string of hexadecimal values ​​to ASCII characters.
html_entity_decode() It converts HTML entities to characters.
htmlentities() It converts characters to HTML entities.
htmlspecialchars_decode() It converts several predefined HTML entities to characters.
htmlspecialchars() It converts some predefined characters into HTML entities.
implode() Is used to returns a string consisting of the elements of the array.
join() Is used to returns a string consisting of the elements of the array.
lcfirst() Is used to converts the first character of a string to lowercase.
levenshtein() Is used to returns the Levenshtein distance between two strings.
ltrim() Is used to remove whitespaces from the beginning of a string
md5() Is used to calculates the MD5 hash of a string.
metaphone() Is used to calculates the metaphone key for a string.
nl2br() Is used to insert HTML break tags in the place of all new lines in a string.
number_format() Is used to formats numbers grouped by thousands. This function supports 1, 2, or 4 parameters (not 3).
ord() Is used to return the ascii value of first character in string.
parse_str() Is used to parses a query string into variables.
print() Is used to print a output one or more strings.
printf() Is used to print a output formatted string.
quoted_printable_decode() Is used to decodes a quoted-printable string to an 8-bit ASCII string
quoted_printable_encode() Is used to encodes a quoted-printable string to an 8-bit string
quotemeta() Is used to add a backslashes before some predefined characters in a string.
rtrim() Is used to removes whitespace or characters from the right side of a string.
sha1() Is used to calculates the SHA-1 hash of a string.
sha1_file() Is used to calculates the sha1_file hash of a file.
similar_text() Is used to compare the similarity between two strings
soundex() Is used to calculate the soundex key of a string
sprintf() Is used to writes a formatted string to a variable.
sscanf() Is used to return parses input from a string according to a specified format.
strcasecmp() Is used to compare two given string.
strchr() Is used to the search first occurrence of a given string.
strcmp() Is used to compares two strings binary-safe.
str_ireplace() Is used to replace some character with some other characters.
str_pad() Is used to pads a string to a new length.
str_repeat() Is used to repeats a string a specified number of times.
str_replace() Is used to replace some character with some other characters.
str_rot13() Is used to perform the ROT13 encoding on string.
str_shuffle() Is used to randomly shuffles all the characters of a string.
str_split() Is used to splits a string into an array.
str_word_count() Is used to counts the number of words in a string.
strcoll() Is used to compare two string based locale settings.
strcspn() Is used to return the number of characters found in specified string.
strip_tags() Is used to strips a string from HTML, XML and PHP tags.
stripcslashes() Is used to removes backslashes added by the addcslashes.
stripslashes() Is used to removes backslashes added by the addcslashes.
stripos() Is used to find the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string.
stristr() Is used to is search for the first occurrence of a given string .
strlen() Is used to is returns the length of a string.
strnatcasecmp() Is used to is compare two strings using a 'natural' algorithm..
strnatcmp() Is used to is compare two strings using a 'natural' algorithm..
strncasecmp() Is used to compare two given string.
strncmp() Is used to compares two strings binary-safe and case-sensitive.
strpbrk() Is used to search a string for any of the set characters.
strpos() Is used to find the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string.
strrchr() Is used to the search last occurrence of a given string.
strrev() Is used to reverse a string.
strspn() Is used to returns the number of characters found in the string only characters.
strstr() Is used to find the first occurrence of the string.
strtok() Is used to convert the string to smaller strings used tokenize.
strtolower() Is used to convert the string to lowercase.
strtoupper() Is used to convert the string to uppercase.
strtr() Is used to translates certain characters in a string.
substr() Is used to return a part of string.
substr_compare() Is used to compares two strings from a specified start position.
substr_count() Is used to compares two strings from a specified start position to specified end position.
substr_replace() Is used to replaces a part of a string with another string.
trim() Is used to removes whitespace and other predefined characters from right and left sides of a string.
ucfirst() Is used to convert the first character of the string into the uppercase.
ucwords() Is used to converts the first character of each word in a string to uppercase.
vprintf() Is used to display the array values as a formatted string according to the format.
wordwrap() Is used to wraps a string into new lines when it reaches a specific length.