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Python Program to all Perfect Numbers in Given Range using While Loop

This example shows, how to print all perfect numbers in given range using while loop in python.

  1. The while loop starts and will continue to run as long as num is less than or equal to limit. This loop checks each number from 1 up to the specified Limit.
  2. Inside the inner loop, the code checks if divisor is a proper divisor of num using the modulo operator (%). If num modulo divisor is 0, it means divisor is a proper divisor.
  3. If divisor is a proper divisor, it is added to sum.
Limit = int(input("Enter the Limit of the range: "))

num = 1

while num <= Limit:
    sum = 0
    divisor = 1
    while divisor < num:
        if num % divisor == 0:
            sum += divisor
        divisor += 1
    if sum == num:
        print(num, "is a perfect number")
    num += 1


Enter the Limit of the range: 500
6 is a perfect number
28 is a perfect number
496 is a perfect number

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