Python program to Change the items in dictionary
In this example shows, the simple method is used to change the items in dictionary using the update() method.
dict = {'name' : 'Alex', 'age' : 24, 'status':'single', 'mobile':8987641385} # printing the dictionary print("Dictionary \'dict\' is...") print(dict) # updating the values dict['name'] = 'Trispan Alex' dict['age'] = 26 dict['status'] = 'Married' # after changing the values print("Updated Dictionary \'dict\' is...") print(dict)
Dictionary 'dict' is... {'name': 'Alex', 'age': 24, 'status': 'single', 'mobile': 8987641385} Updated Dictionary 'dict' is... {'name': 'Trispan Alex', 'age': 26, 'status': 'Married', 'mobile': 8987641385}