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Dict Programs

Python Program To Sort the Dictionaries by Values or Keys.

In this example shows, we will sort the dictionary by keys and values, the result will display the type of dictionary.

Sorting by Keys
# Sample dictionary
info = {'ram': 22, 'sam': 27,'saraa': 19, 'mukesh': 16, 'karthi': 32}

# Sort dictionary by keys
sorted_by_keys = dict(sorted(info.items()))
print("Dictionary sorted by keys:", sorted_by_keys)
  • sorted(info.items()) : This sorts the dictionary items based on keys by default.
  • dict() : This converts the sorted items back into a dictionary.


Dictionary sorted by keys: {'karthi': 32, 'mukesh': 16, 'ram': 22, 'sam': 27, 'saraa': 19}

Sorting by Values
# Sample dictionary
info = {'ram': 22, 'sam': 27,'saraa': 19, 'mukesh': 16, 'karthi': 32}

# Sort dictionary by values
sorted_by_values = dict(sorted(info.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]))
print("Dictionary sorted by values:", sorted_by_values)
  • sorted(info.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]) : This sorts the dictionary based on values. The lambda item: item[1] part tells Python to use the values (not the keys) for sorting.
  • dict() : This converts the sorted list of tuples back into a dictionary.


Dictionary sorted by values: {'mukesh': 16, 'saraa': 19, 'ram': 22, 'sam': 27, 'karthi': 32}

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