format() method in Python
The format() method is used to format strings by replacing placeholders in the string with specified values. The placeholder is defined using curly brackets {}.
string.format(value 1,value 2 ..., valueN)
- value 1,value 2 - One or more values that should be formatted and inserted into the string.Any data type can be included in the values.
The following example shows, how works the format() method.
#named indexes: a = "My name is {name}, I'm studying {stud} th standard".format(name = "Sam", stud= 12) #numbered indexes: b = "My name is {0}, Coming From {1}".format("Ram","Canada") #empty placeholders: c = "My name is {}, I'm {}".format("Saraa",15) print(a) print(b) print(c)
My name is Sam, I'm studying 12 th standard My name is Ram, Coming From Canada My name is Saraa, I'm 15