Select | Alter | Delete | Shut Company in Tally Prime

Select company in tally Prime

  • In the Gateway of Tally, select company menu => click "Select" option (or) Press Alt+k to open company menu and press Alt+F3 to enable select menu.
select company

  • You will see a list of companies that you have created or accessed before. Use the arrow keys or the mouse to navigate and highlight the company you want to select and press enter.
select company

Alter company details in tally Prime

  • In the Gateway of Tally, select company menu => select "Alter" option.
alter company

  • Select the company to alter form the list of company shown and press enter.
select company

  • You will now be presented with a screen where you can alter various company details. Make the necessary changes to the information you want to update.
  • After making the required alterations, save the changes by pressing Ctrl + A or press enter.
select company

Delete company in tally Prime

  • In the Gateway of Tally, select company menu => select "Shut" option (or) Press Alt+K and Ctrl+F3 to shut the company.
alter company

Note : If you delete the company, it can remove the company's complete information permanently. This information cannot be reserved.

Shut company in tally Prime

  • In the Gateway of Tally, select company menu => select "Shut" option.
  • Press "enter" to shut the company.
alter company

Note : After closing the company, you can either switch to another open company if you have multiple companies opened.